Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Still sick, despite antibiotics, but slowly getting better, I think. Ian and Leah are still really sick, which bothers me, but I'm taking them to our family dr in the morning. It was supposed to be Ian's long-delayed 2yr old physical appointment, but I think it'll be a "help my sick kids!" appointment instead.

It's funny how I don't like being sick, and I'll whine and complain about it, but it never worries me nearly as much as when my kids are sick. I just suck it up and deal with it mostly. Although I admit wholeheartedly that I pretty much let the housework go for the past couple of weeks.

I finished Nanowrimo, and am DAMN proud of myself. I don't think I've ever written 50,000 words in a month before. I still need to finish the draft and then do some MASSIVE edits, but hopefully it'll turn into something I can be proud of.

Saw my OB today for the first time. There were a bunch of mix-ups, so I'm already 20 weeks along, but since I usually have pretty uneventful pregnancies I wasn't all THAT worried about it. Still, it was nice to hear that nice, strong heartbeat and talk about my next ultrasound (should be in the next couple of days hopefully!), my chances of NOT having gestational diabetes this time (hopefully good!) and the possibility of a VBA3C (yeah, basically a 0% chance on that one!). So, I've signed the consent for the c-section and tubal. Oh my God - I'm having a baby! Why didn't anyone TELL me!?!

10:30, and I'm going to bed. An early night for once... what a concept!

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