Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Random Thoughts from Tonight

1. Went to the gym after the kids were in bed. It's a long drive, so hard to convince myself to do it, but I really should go more often.

2. I was watching Hannity & Combes on the Cardio Theatre (this is one way that the Y here completely has it over the Y I used to go to at home) and they were talking ad nauseum about Hillary Clinton. I find it interesting how polarizing she is, but what I absolutely could not believe was the conservative woman (I have no idea who she is because I'm not a big Fox News watcher - surprise, surprise!) saying that Hillary Clinton broke the first rule of feminism because she took her husband's last name. Hello? Does anyone remember the outcry when Bill Clinton became president and the First Lady had a DIFFERENT last name? For Pete's sakes! You can't have it both ways people!

3. I had a lot more thoughts... but now I'm tired... crap :)

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