Monday, September 24, 2007

Some background...

“Hey, you know that board I’m on? The Industry one? Exec Guy A from Company B just posted that they’re looking for a Director of Blah,” my husband, “Hal”, said.

And that was how our odyssey began.

Since Hal made considerably more than I did, I had often said that if he found a job in the US that was worth our while I’d be willing to pick up and pack out. I even convinced myself it would be the adventure I’d missed out on by getting married so young.

Then they wanted to interview him. In NYC. I still didn’t really believe it was going to happen. Except that they offered him the job. Next thing I knew he’d quit his job with Company A and we had our house on the market. He was supposed to start in 3 weeks.

Except that it took SIX weeks for his work visa to get processed. And the signing bonus AND moving expenses suddenly became a signing bonus TO PAY FOR the moving expenses. And we were broke by the time we got here.

We ended up renting a house. It’s a two-hour commute each way for Hal. I thought I was going to NYC, and instead I’m in the middle of nowhere where it takes 20 minutes to get to the stupid grocery store. I’m at home with our three kids: “Millie”, “Leah” and “Ian”.

There’s a lot that’s brought me to this point. I miss home dreadfully. I had another blog, but I’ve decided to “go anonymous” so that I can be more truthful. Sad to say, but I’ve had some bad experiences ranting about my frustrations. I find Americans get so defensive when I talk about wanting to go home, as if I’m putting down the entire country. Maybe I am, but either way I just don’t want anyone knowing who I am anymore. I need a place to really vent. Besides, once in a while I actually have a funny story. Honest! Just stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.